Saturday, August 30, 2008

Organization time

There are always opportunities to be involved within Converse College with all the organization they have. I have found organizations that remind me of organizations that I was involved in high school. Then there are organizations that are new and I am excited about getting involved with organizations I have never been in before.

When I was in high school I was involved in seven major organizations: Yearbook, Student Council, National Honor’s Society, Interact, Science Honor’s Society, and Youth in Government, and Business Professionals of America. Now that I am at Converse I am looking into joining some of that goes allow the lines of the organizations I was involved in, in school. The first organization I am really interested in is Y’s and Other Y’s. I love writing and taking pictures for the yearbook. In addition I do Photoshop which yearbook does a lot of work in there. Another organization that I like is The Conversationalist because they are the school newspaper and I use to help my high school with the newspaper. Volunteering in my community has always been a big part of my life and a passion of mine so I like Project serve where they go around and help the community. It is really nice how there are some organizations I am already familiar with and am ready to join and be involved.

College is all about new experiences and that is why I am eager to get involved in new organizations I have never been involved in before. Even though I have always been known as a “fish” from my family I never joined any swim team before. This is why I want to try Tarpon Sharks Synchronized Swimming Club. Then I am really interested in being in the Sign Seekers & CEC organization because I think that sign language should be more available in the classroom since there are thousands of people in America and around the world that is deaf.

Converse has many opportunities available to students and I am hoping to get involved in several of them.

College and Its Life

I knew when I started College that it was going to be completely different than High School, but what did I think my first semester of Converse would be like?
First, I expected college to be academically more challenging. I knew that I would be taking course that would go towards my major or GEP. The professors who taught each of the courses has a passion to that subject, so I knew they would be tough in wanting you to learn it and learn it right. Also, that 15 page essays or research papers were in their range of what they expected us to be able to write about on a certain topic, so I better start typing now to get use to it. College in my first semester would be more challenging academically.
Second, in college I knew there would be all these extra-curricular organizations that I could get involved in. Each organization has a specific purpose in at least one of my passions. For example, I am looking into being involved in Y's and other Y's because I love photography, writing, and I was involved in yearbook at my high school. Involvement in extra-curricular organizations is one thing I am looking forward to in my first semester of high school.
Finally, I expect to have fun at the assortment of activities Converse holds for students and the community. For instance, August 29, 2008 in our Barnet Room Converse held a Back to School Bash in which After August perform. Then there are parties later in the Semester such as our Halloween and Christmas parties. Last but not least our traditions will be so inspiring and exuberant for many years to come.
Converse College will never keep me dull in my first semester of college.In my first year at Converse College there is so much I expect from college. I expect the academics would be more difficult. The extra-curricular organizations will keep me involved in my passions. Once and for all the assortment of activities will keep up the vibe in college.