Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Learn about myself

Since I have come to Converse I have learned a lot about myself through the relations I have made with my classmates and others. First, I have figured out that my friends believe in me to help them in situations. For example my friend was really feeling down and she felt I was the best person she could rely on. I have friends that call me mom because I am very "motherly." I have found that I am always thinking safety and what is best for that person. Form my professors I have learned that I'm selectively active. In certain classes I am really confident and am able to speak up easily. While in other classes it is harder for me to understand so I just try to concentrate on understanding the material and forget about asking questions. Finally, my hall mates in general have made me realize I can do anything any time of day. If I need to study at 3:00am then I will study. If there is an even that comes up at the last minute I’ll try to make it and rearrange my schedule. I believe that I am very flexible and am able to time manage well. I have come to the conclusion that over all I am ready to get and stay involved.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Time to Study

Everytime I go into the library to study I go to the same place third floor. Cover the some of the third floor is desk with lights and electric outlet. The environment on the floor is calm and mellow. Not many people go up there for anything and you don't have to worry about getting distracted by noise.

I am happy with the library as my study area. This area really is my ideal place to study because you don't have anyone around you. You wouldn't have anytroubles in getting something you need either.

In whatever environment I'm in it is easier to concentrate in quiet well light areas. This way you are about to see everything clearly and you would not have to be straining your eyes or anything.

I Swear to Tell the Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

How would you feel if you had to tell the truth for a day, one whole day? Well that is exactly what I did. I have actually done it since the assignment was given out. See this assignment was easy for me because I grew up knowing that it was better to tell the truth the first time around then get caught up in a lie. I would say though that it is easier telling a friend that you don't mind their shoes then tell them the shoes they have only had for a week are extremely ugly and they need to go buy a different pair of shoes. That was a challenge.

In college it is very important to have academic integrity and honesty. you need to be able to have others trust on you. For example when you live on campus you have to trust that your roommate isn't going to steal anything from you without asking. Then you also have to be able to have the professors to trust you. Next, for most college students work study is involved, so they have to be able to have their employers to trust that they will keep certain things to themselves and that they will be able to get the task at hand done in the time restraint they have.